01527 64461    info@redicentre.org.uk

We’re open Mon to Fri 8:30am – 8pm and Sat 9am – 1pm (term time only)

01527 64461   info@redicentre.org.uk
Mon to Fri 8:30am – 8pm
Sat 9am – 1 pm (term time only)

Cafe and Coffee menu


The REDI Café has been completely refurbished and looks out onto our pleasant garden.

Serving hot and cold drinks, crisps, biscuits and chocolate bars, the café is available all the time when the centre is open.

Enjoy a “proper coffee” made with fresh beans whilst at the REDI.

Can you spare a few hours a week?

We are always looking for volunteers to work in the café. If this sounds like something you’d be interested in, please get in touch.